I thought of you, Britni, when I heard this on the plane as I made my way from Atlanta to New York:
I Am A Sesamoid Bone by Code DaVinci 002.
I am so beautiful, oh Lord. Please do not sell me on eBay or exchange me for a new iPod. Please do not trade me to the highest bidder or throw me on the junk heap.
I am like the sweet potato, perfect when baked, but slowly eaten. I am a jackdaw who visits town every morning to steal a coin. I am a sesamoid bone, fit only for kissing. I am a baby bird just hatched from its egg and tasting sunlight for the first time. I am a rolling pin and you are the crust of my daily bread.
I am lying on the sidewalk, naked and crying. Please help me. Please love me. Please pick me up. I am an orchid that opens slowly and has no pollen to give. My flower is deep and secret and it smiles in my heart.